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China Select

Established in 2006 as the first private company licensed to develop psychometric instruments in Shangha, China Select is a leading talent assessment solution provider in China.
We've been working together to develop the brand from scratch, even before the company was founded.
  Original Design (2006 - 2014)
The logo is formed with a calligraphy of "心" - "heart" in Chinese, which is written by Wang Xizhi 王羲之, the Sage of Calligraphy, implying that the brand is connect with psychology and the Chinese culture. The logo is supported with a select button (call for action) and a stamp (for the Chinese name). The corporate color is red as for China and bluish grey as for psychometrics.
This branding design is well accepted by the clients, international partners and the Chinese end users. The red button is an eye-catching element that stands out from most psychologoical competitors' blue tone, easy to be remembered where Eastern culture meets with Western technology.


  Rebranding in 2014
After 8 years' growth, China Select has become a well-known brand in the talent assessment field. And it's time to adjust the VI system to keep up with the fast-growing market.

The worldwide Psychology symbal of Ψ is incorporated in the logo, in the form of traditional Chinese caligraphy, which I wrote by myself. It explains the company's business feature while setting up the link with China in the fresh red color.

The select button is abandoned, as it appears to distract attention from the logo. Instead, a more subtle touch of traditional calligraphy strokes have been applied. Generally speaking, China Select looks more "Chinese" now.

In 2018, the logo is finetoned to a Burgendy color and the shape to a circle, to present a lower profile.

Product logos:
Edward Yu    
e: edwardyu@gmail.com
t: (001) 604-7246658  

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